The Freedom First Podcast
The Freedom First Podcast
#34 - Leslie Morgan Steiner | Crazy Love: Why victims stay with their abusers, finding the courage to leave and break the silence
Leslie Morgan Steiner is a domestic violence survivor, New York Times best-selling author ,columnist for The Washington Post, consultant and thought leader on women’s leadership, work-life balance, inspirational parenting, overcoming adversity and surviving violence against women. Her corporate experience includes The Washington Post, Johnson & Johnson, Leo Burnett and Seventeen Magazine. In 2009 Her memoir about surviving domestic violence, Crazy Love, was a New York Times bestseller, People Pick, Book of the Week for The Week magazine, and subject of the first TED Talk by a domestic violence survivor. She also speaks on work/family balance, domestic violence, leadership, parenting and more. You can follow Leslie on Facebook via Leslie Morgan Steiner, or via @lesliebooks on Instagram and Twitter, or visit her Amazon to purchase her books.